JR Kyushu Group shareholder discount tickets are available at AMU PLAZA Kumamoto!



At AMU PLAZA Kumamoto, JR Kyushu Group shareholder discount coupons can be used directly at each store .

*Only valid for vouchers with a validity period between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025 (vouchers with pink color).
* A maximum of nine shareholder benefit coupons can be used per person at one time .
*Some products and stores are not available.
Please click here to see which stores do not accept this service.

For more information about JR Kyushu Group Shareholders' Coupons, click here

For inquiries regarding this matter,
Kyushu Railway Company General Affairs Department General Affairs Division
Please contact us at 092-474-2547 .
Reception hours: 11:00-15:00
*Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays excluding New Year's holidays and public holidays